You vs You

It's not your fault you want to end your own precious life; it's our fault- as humans-that we pushed you to such an extent that you break and take your own life.

Book Report: The Last Leaf

Set during a pneumonia epidemic in Greenwich Village, the tale follows Johnsy, a painter who dreams of painting the Bay of Naples, who catches the illness and places her will to live in the most peculiar of objects- the leaves of a tree that she gazes at from her window.

Book Report: The Perks of being a Wallflower

The book attempts to answer poignant questions as Charlie navigates the troubled waters of adolescence and trauma from non-consented sexual relations. The book will make you laugh, cry, and ponder over lingering philosophical questions. In Charlie’s words, it will send you shooting through a tunnel of emotions and you could swear that you feel infinite.